Machinists Non-Partisan Political League



Dear Sisters and Brothers:

The MNPL campaign is currently underway. I know you are fully aware of the tough times we are facing as a railroad union. I am fully committed to doing everything in my power to strengthen TCU’s position in the struggle against a Republican backed attack against AMTRAK. I firmly believe in the bedrock belief of the American labor force that "an injury to one is an injury to all."

In that spirit, I am asking for your help. By contributing as little as $1.00 a month, you can do your part in this fight. I believe it is incumbent upon the leaders of this lodge to step up and set a positive example for our members. And I know you stand with me in wanting to send a message to Washington that Rail Labor is alive and well, and we will not stand for these constant attacks on our Brothers and Sisters.

AMTRAK currently employs over 24,000 members that pay into Railroad Retirement. Of those, over 8,000 members belong to TCU, that’s about 18% of our membership. You can see how shutting down this crucial service will affect us all.

Please fill out an MNPL form and return it to me, then once a month an automatic withdraw will be made from your paycheck for the amount you designate.

Thank you in advance for your help. I trust that together we can make the impossible a reality. And that by all chipping in a little, we can accomplish a lot.

If you have questions concerning MNPL, current legislation in Congress, or any other matter, please feel free to contact me.

With best wishes, and warm personal regards, I remain,

Fraternally yours,

Steve Wilhelm
Director Constitution and Laws

About Machinists Non-Partisan Political League

The Machinists Non-Partisan Political League (MNPL) relies strictly on the voluntary contributions of IAM & TCU members. By law, only voluntary donations may be used by unions for contributions to candidates for Federal office. This is why TCU negotiated payroll deductions or "check-off" with most of the nation's railroads. This gives members the right to authorize regular deductions from their paychecks for contributions to MNPL. It is imperative that we support IAM/TCU-endorsed candidates for Congress. Only by electing our friends to Congress can we hope to have our views heard when legislation of critical importance is up for a vote. Therefore, it is essential that we raise the necessary funds to support candidates that share our views. If you already contribute to MNPL, thank you for doing so. If you are not signed up  join MNPL today.


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Published by Heartland Lodge 6760
Fort Wayne, Indiana, USA, January 16, 1999
Version 18.1.10
Copyright © 1999 - 2018